Shipping costs :
Shipping costs vary based on weight, size, region and country. They are generally indicated on the product as soon as it is placed in the cart.
If you have requests for shipping to different countries not listed on the site, do not hesitate to contact us to request a quote!
If the wording Prompt delivery or immediate availability is not present, the product is ordered from the supplier
and has the times indicated on the product.
In cases where they are not indicated, do not hesitate to contact us for more precise information.
If you have shipping requests to different countries, please do not hesitate to contact us to request a quote!

In order to constantly improve the satisfaction of our dear customers, it will be our concern and priority to constantly improve the timing of order fulfillment and delivery to the courier, in order to make you receive the product as soon as possible! In the list below, you will find the average delivery conditions:

The goods in stock are generally shipped in 3 - 5 working days. Any wording 24 / 48h refers to the transit times of the courier (or how long it takes the courier to physically deliver the package). In the event that the goods are available at the supplier's warehouse, the timing can be up to 7/8 days. The speed of arrival of the goods also depends on the place of destination and customs timing (in the case of foreign shipping). We always contact customers who have ordered goods not available in stock to communicate the exact date of fulfillment.

Orders are shipped by Bartolini express courier for national orders (Italy), for abroad we use, in addition to Bartolini, other couriers such as SDA, ups.

If there is a delay in delivery, we will take care to communicate it by e-mail. We will do everything in our power to complete your order. However, there may be occasions when you are unable to complete the delivery, for example in the event that the courier fails to fulfill its commitment. We reserve the right to waive any refund for any delay in delivery due to external factors such as delays in delivery by the supplier to our warehouse, or delays due to the courier himself.

We are responsible for transport risks, i.e. the risk of damage to or loss of the product during shipment. The customer assumes responsibility for the transport risks of the return shipment in case of any return or return.

When you receive your goods, it is important to check the package right away. If the packaging is damaged, please indicate this directly to the courier who delivered the package. NB: It is important to make a correct declaration. Make sure you get a confirmation that the goods are damaged.

Motorbike Planet carefully checks the status of the goods before they are shipped. Should the wrong goods arrive, we will arrange for the error to be repaired at our expense. If Motorbike Planet finds that the product has been shipped incorrectly or damaged, it will be immediately replaced.

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